My Family’s Creative Recycling over the Holidays

My Family’s Creative Recycling over the Holidays

Let me share some highlights of creative recycling projects by my family members this holiday season:

Knitting Socks from Yarn Leftovers

My grandmother Rea is a very talented knitter. She is finding it more difficult to knit larger projects these days. She offered her yarn stash to my sister Tracy. Tracy had a great idea which was to knit up the little bits into socks – a pair for each of Rea’s children. She visited Rea many times this year to knit together.

Socks my sister knit with my grandmother's yarn leftovers Nanny on Christmas Day 2015

Building a Step from Wood Scraps

My parents built my sister a new step for her side door using wood scraps from their recent renovations.

My dad building a step for my sister's house with scrap wood
My dad building a step for my sister’s house with scrap wood

Pillow Cover from Upholstery Samples

This year, my brother & sister-in-law bought a new home. They got a bunch of upholstery samples when designing their decor. They gave me the samples and asked if I could combine them into a pillow cover for their home. You can see the finished cover at the top of this blog.

Laying out the upholstery scraps for the pillowcase design
Laying out the upholstery scraps for the pillowcase design
Back of the pillow, showing flap closure and label
Back of the pillow, showing flap closure and label
Label on pillow for my brother, sister-in-law & nephew
Label on pillow for my brother, sister-in-law & nephew

I love that my family was doing creative recycling in all our various corners of the globe!